BLOOM: A BNHA Flower Zine

A BNHA flower zine that is dedicated to flower languages across the globe!


This zine is centered around creating narrative illustrations and stories based on the language of flowers, from hanakotoba to floriography. There will also be a chromatic component in which all pieces will be arranged in rainbow order.


✿September 12: Acceptance and rejection emails
✿October 10: First check-in
✿November 7: Second check-in
✿December 7: Third check-in
✿January 9: Fourth check-in
✿February 7: Final pieces due
✿March 20: Pre-orders go live

Schedule is subject to change


Is this zine digital/physical? Charity or for profit?

This is a physical zine with merch. All profits will go towards production and charity.

Who can participate in the zine?

Bloom will primarily be an art book, but 3-4 writers will be accepted to write fics. One for each colour of the rainbow. Artists may contribute illustrations or short comics. There may also be a position for a poet, but this is yet to be determined.

What kind of content rating does this zine have?

This zine will remain strictly SFW and gen; we will allow no depictions or descriptions of sex or extreme violence. Canon typical violence will be accepted. While this project will be ship friendly, it is strictly gen, so any shipping included in pieces should be done subtely.



✿ All links should be accessible. If we cannot access your work your application will be automatically denied.

✿All submissions in your application should be SFW. Any applications with NSFW examples will be denied. It is fine if you have NSFW pieces in general, but none should be shared for applications


We will be looking for 3-4 writers that will collaborate to write a series of 7 flash fics about 500 words in length each. These flashfics will be included in the opening spread for each colour section and will be related to one another. We will be letting writers brainstorm to decide how they want to do this (eg. writing together, splitting up fics, etc.)

🌸Provide links to three works with consideration for the following:

✿Samples should be 0.3-1.5k in length
✿Samples can be an individual chapter or an excerpt from a longer piece.
✿At least one sample must be about BNHA.

🌸We will be reviewing based on the following:

✿General quality- syntax, spelling, readability, etc.

✿Understanding of characters and the series; Are characters recognizable?

✿Consistency and style- Are you able to consistently produce work of a certain quality, and does your writing style work well for the needs of this project


We will be looking to fill one spot for a poet who will be writing short poems that will be included in the opening spread for each colour section. Poems will focus on floral and colour imagery as opposed to BNHA and associated characters. We may request poems to be in haiku format

🌸Provide links to at least three works with consideration for the following:
✿Samples should be short poems no longer than about 10 lines in length.
✿There should be at least one example, preferably more, of haiku style poetry
🌸We will be reviewing based on the following:

✿General quality - spelling and readability

✿Consistency - are you able to consistently produce work of a certain quality, and does your style work well for the needs of the project.


We will be looking for 3-5 artists per colour section. Artists will be able to choose the flower and character/s they depict from a list provided by mods. We will be asking for your general portfolio to review, and giving you the option to provide links to specific pieces you’d like us to see.

🌸Provide a link to your portfolio and any additional pieces with consideration for the following:

✿You must include at least 1 example of art from BNHA in your portfolio

✿Works submitted should not be works in progress

✿Works submitted should contain elements other than just the figure. This means that figures drawn on empty backgrounds will not be conducive to being selected.

✿Traditional art can be submitted, but you must demonstrate the ability to provide high-resolution images of it should you choose to work with a traditional medium for the project.

🌸We will be reviewing based on the following:

✿General quality of art- Demonstration of technical skills including but not limited to: anatomy, composition, rendering, consideration of colour, etc.

✿Consistency and style- Does the portfolio provided indicate that you will be able to provide work reliably of the same quality? Does it indicate that you will be able to contribute work that works with the theme of the project?


We will be looking for 2-3 merch artists that will be responsible for 1-2 merch items each. Merch artists will be able to sign up for the merch types they prefer to design from a list provided by the mods. You will not be guaranteed the merch type you prefer if you do not sign up when selections are posted

🌸Base merch:

✿Wooden charms, stickers, and postcard prints

🌸Stretch goal items:

✿Enamel pin, washi tape, and potentially more

🌸Provide a link to your portfolio and any additional pieces with consideration for the following:

✿You must include at least 1 example of art from BNHA in your portfolio

✿Works submitted should not be works in progress

✿Works submitted should include merch designs

🌸We will be reviewing based on the following:

✿The general quality of art- Demonstration of technical skills including but not limited to: anatomy, composition, rendering, consideration of colour, etc.

✿Consistency and style- Does the portfolio provided indicate that you will be able to provide work reliably of the same quality? Does it indicate that you will be able to contribute work that works well for merch format?


Head Mod

Social Media Mod

Graphics Mod

Mod Intern


If you have any questions you can find us here!